More Ambassador - Rosie Gaul - Rosie's Cakes - Canberra Australia

More Ambassador - Rosie Gaul - Rosie's Cakes - Canberra Australia

I've have the pleasure of watching Rosie grow from strength to strength in recent times to an ever growing community of cakers and bakers that she sends baking boxes too each month and they get together on zoom to learn that month's kit together.

This year I was even invited to do one of these workshops for Rosie's followers and we had a blast.

I was super excited to hear that Rosie was coming ot Cake Bake and Sweet show in Melbourne in July 2024 that without any hesitation, I offered her some demo spots on one of my retailers stands to demo Moreish range and Rosie did awesome!

Have since invited Rosie to demo for us for another 2 shows and her lovely warm nature and ethereal style makes watchers feel right at ease.

We are so without further a do, it is our pleasure to welcome Rosie to our wonderful Ambassador team at Moreish! 

Name: Rosie Gaul

Location: Canberra ACT

Business Name: Rosie Cakes

Insta Link:

Website Link:

Tell us a little about you? Something you’ve never told anyone! I love music to help unwind or give me confidence. Although there have been a couple of embarrassing times I’ve been caught out belting a song out – once when I was about 10 at my nannas place. I had my Walkman on and was singing full steam – everyone could hear me, not the music and were pissing themselves laughing! Another time I was living in London – belting out some Counting Crows in my living room (in bra and knickers), when some blokes walked straight past the window! I literally dropped to the ground and crawled out of the room lol

Career Journey

How did you first get started in the caking/baking industry? In 2011 my husbands cousin made our engagement and wedding cakes (both fondant affairs) – being a creative person, I mentioned that I’d love to learn how to make cakes like that – she said ‘come over and I’ll show you!’. One fondant cake with fondant box later and I was hooked!

When did you begin your adventure in the caking and baking industry? Started decorating for friends in 2011, started my business in 2014

Are you a buttercream babe or a fondant Floozy? Former floozy, turned Babe 😉

If you could start again, what would you change? I would do less and specialize more. Also seek help earlier

Brand Affiliation

How did you come to be involved with the Moreish brand? Great question… I found Monica on Insta and thought ‘what an awesome chick!’, then one day got brave and asked you to come and be a guest in my membership… and you said yes! Lots of playing with more Moreish products and opportunities have since come about  

Do you remember how you came to be an amabassador? Do you have a story to tell? I don’t know how I became to be an ambassador – I’m hoping its because you could see that the work I do is good enough and that I would showcase your products to the best of my ability. Other than that, see answer above!

What is your favorite product from our brand and why? This isn’t fair, I love so many products! The glitters and the butterflies are so easy to use… but the little flexi-scraper is also my new best friend!

If you had to recommend 3 products from our range, which would you tell newbies to buy and why? See above answer… Also the flexi scraper helps to clean up any buttercream blemishes. I also love the reusable cake tin liners because, well, they’re reusable (and easy to use).

Can you describe a memorable experience you've had while representing our brand or an opportunity that has come your way because of it? Demonstrating at the Cake Bake Sweets Show!

Personal Insights

How do you stay updated with trends and changes in the caking and baking industry? I try to stay on top of trends through insta and talking to other cake decorators

What your fav trend to date? Buttercream textures will never grow old

Do you cake/Bake/content create full time or have a supplement job elsewhere? Caking is my thaang

What is your ultimate goal in this industry? To help as many mums as possible have the skills, knowledge and confidence to create birthday cakes they love for their kids (and that their kids love of course lol)

Which other cakers/bakers/creators do you look to for inspo? I love watching cake makers who offer services other than just creating cakes. I take inspiration from people like yourself who have appeared on high profile shows (or made cakes for such) and created products for the market, Tigga Mac and the way she has switched her cake biz model, others who have created membership models – like Amanda from Sugar Sugar or Adelaide Bakes  

Final Thoughts

Do you have any advice for aspiring Brand Ambassadors? If there is a product or brand you love and use often, then don’t be afraid to get in front of that person (or business) – tag them in posts, leave comments, make yourself known - then take a leap of faith and introduce yourselves to them!

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