More Ambassador - Ammara Omair - Dreamcream by Ammara Omair - Melbourne Australia

More Ambassador - Ammara Omair - Dreamcream by Ammara Omair - Melbourne Australia


I remember seeing Ammara pop up on my socials over a year or 2 ago. And such pretty cakes and cupcakes.

She has a soft delicate touch and in the past year has gone from strength to strength, not only in her bakes but also photography etc.

Ammara consistently tags in Moreish and we love seeing each bake! Such prettiness on our feeds. 

We were so delighted when she said to joining us. Our invite to her was long over due!

Please say hi to Ammara:


Name: Ume Ammara Omair
Location: Melbourne, 3029
Insta Link:
Tell us a little about you? Something you’ve never told anyone! I use to be a table tennis champion back at my school, and still love to play but never get time to. (M - Wow! this blew my mind! Get back to it girl!!!)

How did you first get started in the caking/baking industry? I’ve always loved making pizzas, tea cakes but I was never into baking cakes, when I had my first baby I use to enjoy making chocolate muffins just for fun, and his birthday was something that changed a lot I took the plunge to make his 1st cake, it was from no way perfect but I enjoyed the process and from their on I trialed a lot of stuff, took me 2 more years after it until I started caking properly.

When did you begin your adventure in the caking and baking industry? I think it was during covid that I started experimenting.

Are you a buttercream babe or a fondant Floozy? Buttercream babe, fondant only for my cake figurines and decorations. 

If you could start again, what would you change? Nothing at all, I embrace this journey and loved how I started how far I’ve come, how much I learnt and still learning, being self taught is the best thing that’s happened to me.

How did you come to be involved with the Moreish brand? I’ve always loved the Moreish products, it started off more cuppies, then lustre, glitter puffers, flavorings, ruffle tips, edible glue, tylose, rose spirit, more wafer moisturizer and I think everything Moreish has to offer. (M - awww shucks! 🩷)

Do you remember how you came to be an ambassador? Do you have a story to tell? I think my love and loyalty with Moreish products is something that’s brought me to become an ambassador, Monica asked and I said yes, it almost sounds like a marriage proposal. (M - 💍)

What is your favorite product from our brand and why? I can’t pick one its so hard, I use too many regularly, but In a heartbeat the glitter puffers, because if it were something I use on everything this would just be it, their coverage and shine is unmatchable, they’re just the perfect blend of smooth shine and glitter, the other glitters I’ve used are always so chunky they don’t look good when being sprayed.
If you had to recommend 3 products from our range, which would you tell newbies to buy and why? Moreish liners (great time savers for baking two layers in one tin, plus no more cutting parchment saves so much time), next would be more cupcake liners(no greasy soggy bottoms), and 3rd glitters.

Can you describe a memorable experience you've had while representing our brand or an opportunity that has come your way because of it? Not an opportunity but a little memorable experience, So it was when I first shared my behind the scenes video of lining tins with Moreish liners, I shared the process and finished Baked cake, one of my baking friends msgd me and asked me about it and I shared my honest review of how great I found it, I send her links where she could possibly get it, she ordered and once she used them I was the 1st person she messaged she thanked me a lot and it was something that I felt joy in, I wasn’t an Ambassador then but it made me so happy someone got benefit from moreish product which I believed in.

How do you stay updated with trends and changes in the caking and baking industry? I do tend to check and research a lot of new Cake ideas on all social media platforms, I do adapt a lot so constantly learn and experiment too with my content bakes.

What your fav trend to date? I loved the drip trend and now the retro cakes.
What trend would you like to see end and why? Spinning cakes, because they look so unique and add in such a new twist to bakes.

Do you cake/Bake/content create full time or have a supplement job elsewhere? Baking/content creating is the only thing I do full time, I’m a mum of two small kiddos too one who is not so small turned 6 just a few months back and then a little girl who is 1 year old.

What is your ultimate goal in this industry? To spread knowledge of caking, have my own studio one day where I could teach too.

Which other cakers/bakers/creators do you look to for inspo? Oh so many to name literally I’ve got tons.

If you could have dinner with your caking hero, who would it be and why? If one then I’d say meeramakes she is so impeccable makes brilliant textural designs and I would learn so much from her.

What are your goals or aspirations within the caking and baking industry? To continue doing what I love, to be able to teach and learn new techniques.

Do you have any advice for aspiring Brand Ambassadors? I think loyalty and really loving the products and brand goes along way, you have to truly believe in something in order to represent it.

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